Simple Hopeopathy/History/The Drs. Banerji

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

The Drs. Banerji

I am not a Classical Homeopath. The approach I use comes from a group of doctors in India who have repeatedly and scientifically proven homeopathy works. They have compiled over 40,000 homeopathic cases and categorized them with the remedies given and the outcomes. These protocols are called the Banerji Protocols.

And though I have never met them or traveled to India, I am acquainted with the American homeopath who probably spent the most time with them when they were practicing in Calcutta, India. I highly encourage you to read more if you are looking for the origins of how I approach homeopathy. Especially if you are considering a consultation.

Joette Calabrese is the American I am referring to. She brought the Banerji research and protocols back to the United States and began teaching them here so that more people could benefit from their unique approach to homeopathy.

Read the blog post from Joette Calabrese here, a woman who spent years traveling to India to learn from these amazing doctors who have meticulously gathered information from over 40,000 cases and compiled the results for other doctors and homeopaths to use.

It is their approach that I use in my consultations. The article linked to above is Joette's story of how she met and subsequently learned from these incredible doctors. Enjoy!

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