Simple Hopeopathy/Remedies/Solutions For Those Pesky Spring (And Fall) Allergies!

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Solutions For Those Pesky Spring (And Fall) Allergies!

When my daughter came to us at 5 years old, she was on two medications for allergies and her nose STILL ran constantly! Back then, I solved the problem with a supplement she had to take over several months and then continue over years to keep them at bay. Now though, I know an even better solution that is much cheaper!

How Homeopathy Works And Why It Matters When It Comes to Allergies

If you haven't joined one of my study groups, which teaches you the foundational information about homeopathy, you may not understand how homeopathy works.

No worries! I will give you a bit of an overview here and then we can get to the nitty gritty--getting rid of your allergies!

Back when Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed the system of medicine we call Homeopathy, his discoveries were preceded by an accidental realization that substances causing certain symptoms in healthy people seemed to cure those same symptoms in sick people!

As a result of this discovery, he started doing the very first clinical studies in the medical world on his family and friends over the course of six years before publishing his findings.

Homeopathy is such an amazingly simple concept, many believe it could never work. However, I can tell you from personal experience and from working with clients--it absolutely works!

Because Hahnemann wanted to be sure his family and friends were safe, and his extensive knowledge of chemistry instructed his thinking, he diluted and succussed (this means to shake with force and is a term that is a bit more specific in the chemistry world but for now, that definition will do) the substances before administering them.

He deduced after all his experiments, that the more he diluted and succussed, the more powerful the results of the medicines were.

He also noticed something very powerful. If he gave those same side-effect free and non-toxic substances to his sick patients with those symptoms, they got better.

Ultimately, he proved his theory that like cures like. (Substances causing certain symptoms in healthy people seemed to cure those same symptoms in sick people.)

So if you are struggling with symptoms like runny nose, weepy eyes and other allergy-type effects, you want to find a homeopathic medicine that would PRODUCE those symptoms in a healthy person.

If you have ever been tasked by your mother to cut an onion, and have been plagued by a running nose and eyes as a result, you would know that onions cause symptoms similar to that of seasonal allergies. 

Therefore, (drumroll please) Allium cepa 30C-which is the homeopathic medicine made from onions--often solves seasonal allergies!

In addition, Histaminum hydrocloricum 30C is also effective for allergies (although, since histamines cause allergies, this approach is called Isotopy) as is Galphimia glauca 6C or 30C.

You can buy them on, which is Washington Homeopathics Pharmacy, for the cheapest price or, on Amazon to get them faster. 

And if you want to learn how to deal with these and other issues in your family, I highly suggest joining one of my study groups

And by the way, I want to set myself as far apart as possible from those who suggest a substance for symptom relief in order to make money from it.  I therefore use no affiliate links for the things I suggest on my blog.

P. S- Since I wrote this blog I have gotten many calls and texts from clients and friends about the effect the fires in Canada are having on their breathing, their sinuses and how they are creating headaches.  The blog that addresses this is called "The Sky is Falling" and you can click here to read it.

Disclaimer: Sandra is not a doctor and the relationship she has with you is of teacher and student.  Her information should not be considered medical advice.  Please consult your holistic physician for medical advice.

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